Case study:
From Vision to Strategy to Action


Strategy, Client Experience

From Vision to Strategy to Action

Client: Macrobert Arts Centre

Logo of Macroberts Arts Centre

Macrobert were navigating a challenging time following a funding cut. They needed to revisit their priorities and operations to ensure financial sustainability.

I worked with Macrobert over several months and on two strands:

  • Helping senior team decide on strategic priorities.
    I designed and facilitated a strategy session which resulted in Macrobert setting strategic priorities for increasing their income generation with a sharpened focus on prioritising the customer experience.

  • Bringing staff along on the journey of change.
    Based on the insights from one-to-one interviews, I designed and facilitated a workshop with staff to rekindle Macrobert’s vision and purpose, help staff to take the perspective of their customers throughout the customer journey and revisit their role within Macrobert’s strategy. Staff left the session energised and with collective and individual action plans for leading by example.

Catherine supported us to assess and consider a range of options for our future planning. She asked really insightful questions that made us think hard about our priorities.

The workshop was thought-provoking, practical and highly engaging, and it was extremely useful to have an external facilitator to enable us all to participate, as well as to bring new perspectives and tools to inform our discussion.

The time we’ve spent with Catherine, her insightful questions, and proactive approach has been a real motivating force.”
Kathryn Welch, Operations Director, Macrobert Arts Centre

Title page of the workshop: From Vision to Strategy to Action Outline of the workshop