Case study:
Resolving group conflict and re-establishing good working relationships


Conflict resolution

Resolving group conflict and re-establishing good working relationships

Client: Charity

Context: The charity was experiencing a difficult time due to a conflict involving staff and Board members. The charity was at risk of no longer being able to operate, which would have a major impact on people needing their services.

Challenge: The conflict had been going on for some time and communication and trust had been affected.

Our approach: This project was done in collaboration with Amanda Heenan of Arc of Inclusion, an expert in equality, diversity and inclusion.

We used a two-step process:

  • In-depth individual conversations with everyone involved to allow them to share their perspectives and concerns and feel listened to.
    We used light-touch conflict coaching, inviting people to reflect on the conflict and what they needed to be able to move forward.
  • Based on the insights from these conversations, we designed and facilitated a group mediation session focused on reaching a shared understanding and agreeing a productive way forward.
    We created a safe space for participants to share what is important to them and explore common ground. We guided participants through substantive issues.

Outcome: The session resulted in a thoughtful discussion where participants expressed the impact the conflict had on them as well as their appreciative feelings for their colleagues.

Impact: The mediation also included a visioning exercise to help participants revive their joint vision and purpose. This allowed participants to move on from the conflict and they collaboratively agreed practical follow-up actions to further strengthen their working relationships. Thanks to this the charity is able to continue providing their much-needed service to their clients.

Follow-on commission: We were subsequently commissioned to design and facilitate a strategy workshop for the charity to refresh their values and set their strategic priorities for the year ahead.