
Client experience

Thoughts on Client Experience

Talk at the Annual Conference of the Law Society of Scotland 2024: Panel session The Client-Centred Law Firm

Highlight 1: The emotional dimension of the client experience

Screenshot of my talk for the Law Society of Scotland, with slide reading 'Emotional experience'

The client experience is an emotional experience.

When we experience something, there is a strong emotional component. This is true even for the most analytical of us!

To deliver excellent client experiences as a lawyer, you need to attend to the client's emotions. Their needs, their worries.

Highlight 2: The value to your client

Screenshot of my talk for the Law Society of Scotland, with slide 'Your value to your client'

The value you bring to your clients is your legal advice minus your fee, minus their time, minus their effort.

Every bit of effort and every minute the client has to spend unnecessarily diminishes the value.

Effort consists of both physical and mental effort – including worry and inconvenience – throughout the client journey.

Highlight 3: Walk in your client's shoes

Screenshot of my talk for the Law Society of Scotland, with slide titled 'Walking in your client's shoes', showing a collage of diverse walking feet

The secret to delivering excellent client experiences is to walk in your client's shoes.

Whatever their background or situation, if you can take your client's perspective, you will be in a great position to deliver an excellent experience.

Highlight 4: Your CX success indicators

Screenshot of my talk for the Law Society of Scotland, with slide showing that success indicators should be informed by both your current situation and your vision

Success CX indicators should be informed both by your current situation and your vision.

Consider your current CX performance using:

  • A 360 health check: contact me to get the free tool.
  • All feedback from clients.
Your vision is your destination.
Your success indicators allow you to take action and track progress over time.

Highlight 5: Remember why you should be client-centred

Screenshot of my talk for the Law Society of Scotland, with slide showing that being client centred helps your firm to be more profitable and to grow

If you deliver excellent client experiences, you wil make a difference to your clients' lives.

And they will recommend you and will use your services again.

This will help your firm to be profitable and grow. Which in turn means you will be able to invest more to deliver an even better client experience.
And so the virtuous circle continues.