Because others' perspectives matter if you want to create impact in the world

Create more impact

I work with organisations and teams in the private, third and public sector.

Schematic diagram depicting that strategy, customer experience, stakeholder engagement and good relationships all contribute to more impact

Strategy  |  Client experience  |  Stakeholder engagement  |  Conflict resolution

From bird’s eye view to pragmatic action plan

Aerial photograph of islands in a jade green and blue sea, photo by NASA

The daily business and busy-ness can mean that you lose sight of the big picture.

Do you make time to strategise? To make sure you are still doing what is most impactful for your clients?

I help you to pause and take a bird’s eye view. To look outwards to identify any threats or overlooked opportunities. To discover any blind spots.

I design creative, efficient ways to find out what your clients, staff and stakeholders think.

I work with you to make sense of what this all means for your organisation. And to help you decide on priorities and design a pragmatic action plan. 

You will have the focus to be more impactful.

Full strategy journey: Taking stock, visioning, full strategy development, action planning, implementation coaching and impact monitoring

A great client experience is so much more than customer service. It is about being steeped in client-centric design.

Do you truly understand what really matters to your clients? Do you know how they experience you? Do you feel their pain?

I help you to get an accurate picture of your client experience – through the eyes of your clients. To identify what really matters to them.

I guide you to develop an ambitious vision that serves your clients and you.

Together we consider your client experience in the round: the value you bring, your operations, your processes.

I help you to decide on priority actions and how to measure progress.

You will realise your vision of success.

Client experience:
Walk in your clients’ shoes

A low angle shot of stairs with handrails, photo by Shuaizhi Tian

Whole-system approach to the client experience: Taking stock, staff and client engagement methods, issues and root causes, visioning, action planning, implementation coaching and success monitoring

Stakeholder engagement:
See through your stakeholders’ eyes

A close-up of a camera lens and diafragma with colourful reflections, photo by Agence Olloweb

You cannot create impact without engaging with your stakeholders.

Do you know what is alive for your stakeholders? Their needs? Their concerns? Do they open up to you?

As an outside facilitator I get powerful insights. I can probe the depths.

I combine engagement methods to meet your objectives: surveys, focus groups, one-to-one deep dive conversations, co-creation sessions, etc.

I work closely with Amanda Heenan, founder of Arc of Inclusion, an expert in equality, diversity and inclusion. We facilitate safe and inclusive discussions so people can share their views openly and honestly.

Inclusive and creative stakeholder engagement: facilitation and co-creation, social research, qualitative and quantitative analysis, inclusive information design

Different agendas, group dynamics, clashing personalities, unclear agreements. All these can cause friction.

I help you to disentangle work-related conflict. Whatever the situation: conflict with peers, team members, superiors, direct reports, partners, suppliers or between the executive team and the Board.

I help you decide what you really want from the relationship and the best course of action. To work through the friction to a better working relationship.

I help you to create more impact through productive relationships.

  • I can coach and support you to work through the conflict — I am a trained coach.
  • I can facilitate an informal discussion with all involved — I am an experienced facilitator.
  • I can facilitate a formal mediation — I am an accredited mediator.

Conflict resolution:
Work through conflict to build better working relationships

Photo of a dramatic sky with sun breaking through the clouds, photo by Daniel Páscoa

Working through conflict: conflict coaching, facilitated informal discussions, two-party and group mediation


My toolbox is stocked with well-sharpened tools which I combine to meet your needs effectively and efficiently:

  • Strategy tools: Taking stock (“As is” assessment), visioning, full strategy development, pragmatic action planning and implementation coaching
  • Impact assessment and evaluation: Assessing progress and impact against indicators and distilling lessons learned
  • Design thinking, systems thinking and user-centered design: Using a whole-system approach and design thinking to iteratively develop solutions that work for your clients and stakeholders
  • Facilitation tools and co-creation approaches: Engaging your team and stakeholders in identifying issues and designing solutions
  • Social research and user research methods: Helping you see through the eyes of your clients and stakeholders using individual interviews, focus groups, surveys, user observation and related tools
  • Qualitative and quantitative analysis: Gaining deep insights from social research or existing data
  • Inclusive information design: Applying best practice in clear and accessible communication to share insights in the most impactful format
  • Conflict coaching and mediation: Working with individuals and teams to gain insight into the conflict and help them identify ways forward
Photo with selective focus of a blue colored pencil with a very sharp point, photo by Hayley Maxwell

Impact focused  |  Pragmatic & creative  |  Challenging & encouraging  |  Evidence-driven   |  Inclusive (people) & selective (organisations)